This winter was “a bear”! We’ve been cooped-up in our cozy cubbies all season. Now each sunny day feels more like springtime and we begin to exhibit post-hibernation behavior. We begin to dig. But we’re not digging for grubs and roots. We dig into boxes and store away papers. We dig in the closet for clothes that […]
Home Inspection Crawl Space Finds
Protect Your Lungs During Mold Removal
Finding Black Mold
Lead Paint and Children’s Health
Air Quality Control and Mold Testing Starts Outside
Mold Inspection Vs. A Mold Test
Allergy Season #3…Winter
Allergy Season #2 has left houses damp and full of mold allergens. Into November, windows get closed trapping all of those allergens inside. Outside air flushing of the house interior goes way down. The furnace promptly dries out the living space but the cooler places like basements, closets, crawl spaces, garages, and storage areas remain damp. Molds remain active in these […]
Weatherization Saves Energy and Money
Weatherization reduces annual energy costs by $218 per household.Some of our clients are saving $200 per MONTH! It’s not just a matter of caulking your windows and doors. There are lots of practical steps you can take to weatherize your home for the winter. These small investments in materials, along with the time set aside […]
Save on Your Heating Bill with These Quick Tips
With cold weather comes higher electric and gas bills, and many people are starting to think of ways to cut back. Here are the six lowest cost ways to save money by cutting down your energy energy bills. You can do this stuff. You don’t have to keep making those extra monthly donations to the […]