In WNC, one regional “clean up” service currently advertises that they’ll come to your house and conduct a comprehensive inspection for mold and water damage. They’ll look at your crawl space, soil barrier condition, moisture readings, signs of standing water, plumbing leaks, sources of moisture or leaks. Then, they’ll hand over a summary of findings and price quotes to fix whatever they find: All for only $39!
Sound too good to be true? A comprehensive inspection for mold and water damage requires great measures of expertise and skill, as well as 2-3 hours of inspection time.
$39 alone cannot support the delivery of a service that is comprehensive. But it’s a great tactic to be allowed into a house to look for sales opportunities.
So what is it that you’re looking for: expert advice? Or a sales pitch?
If it’s expertise you seek, you need to know you’re talking to the right person. Here are some of the questions I would pose before asking anyone to come out and assess mold, water, health or repairs:
- Does it serve the needs of the client: do-it-yourselfers, those with special health needs, home buyers, or tenants?
- In addition to mold and water, will it address other environmental conditions that affect health and wellness?
- Will it address the specific health ailments that occupants presently experience?
- To what degree are HVAC issues presented?
- Is there discussion of safety or comfort? Energy efficiency and sustainability?
- What about environmental issues more specific to green or new homes?
- Will there be instruction on how to operate your house and its systems?
- When faced with the purchase of HVAC equipment or air ducts, will it define smarter choices?
- How will you address your home’s needs in the face of life or financial challenges?
- During the implementation phase, will you “wing it,” or do you have the guidance you need to maximize results and minimize costs?
Finally, does the assessment provide a perspective that is devoid of sales pressure?
A house is a complicated assembly of materials and systems. Mold, water, home, & health issues can be quite a tangle to decipher. What’s at stake is your health, safety, comfort, dollars, and other aspects of your quality of life.
At times like this, getting the right guidance is key to making a sound decision that will result in a happy outcome.
Thank goodness that good science and old fashioned common sense is still out there to be found. But the responsibility to ask the right questions is yours.
My recommendation? Sort out the sales pitches to find guidance that’s priceless.
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